April 29, 2010
girls go gaga over Justin. So omg-ing.
10 girls fainted and 1 taken to hospital in Australia.
Okay so,

Demi & Joe - used to be best friends, now together.

Demi Lovato used to date Trace Cyrus, Miley Cyrus' Half Brother & Singer of Metro Station.

Taylor Swift who used to date Joe Jonas and he broke up with her in a 27 seconds phone call is now with Cory Monteith from Glee.

Nick Jonas broke up with Miley and dated Selena.
Selena and Nick are always breaking up and patching back.
April 26, 2010
They say that hate has been sent.

"Feels like I'm downing without your love."
Mid Year Exams are now on. Darn it.
"Should have listened to what everyone told you to do... to let go but you kept holding on. You never wanted to let go because you told yourself not to and that it was going to be worth it in the end but it evidently, wasn't.
Once again, a heart is broken.
April 24, 2010

Cory Monteith is with Taylor Swift!
April 18, 2010
I just need you now.

I would like to express my thanks to Nadhirah, Syahirah, Vera, Rasyiqah, Amalia, Danial Hadi, Insyira, Dessy, Irfan, Benjamin, Wei Song, Billy, Fuad, Erwin, Izzuddin, Amirul, Arif, Luthfi, Lela, Diyana, Farah Atiqah, Hedzir, Wira, Atiqah, Manissah, Diana, Shela, Rusydi and the rest of the Angklungers for making Angklung the best because I know that without all of you, it just wouldn't be complete.
Syahirah & Nadhirah - thanks for everything that you've done for me and you guys never fail to listen to whatever i have to say about stuff no matter i dumb or stupid i get. :D
I love you, Nadhirah.
I love you, Syahirah.
"Gahhh, i don't want us to seperate ):
Dear Qazimah, I may not show it sometimes but honestly,
from the bottom of my heart,
i love you so much. I am oh so lucky to have met such
an awesome being like you."
- Nadhirah
Vera - thanks for accompanying me to outings and our camwhoring sessions are the best!
Rasyiqah & Amalia - Thanks so much for being so good to me although i know we have had many fights and arguements. I will still love you.
The Sec Fives (Danial, Insyi, Dessy, Irfan & Nisa) - I wouldn't know what to do if i hadn't met you guys.
Danial, thanks awesomebitchbuddy for everything that you have done, you never fail to be there for me and Insyira, i love you so much. Please keep in touch :D
Erwin & Gang (Izzuddin, Luthfi, Amirul, Arif) - I don't think Angklung would have been fun if you guys weren't there. Thank you.
Farah Atiqah - I know i am always playing the wrong notes on Smoke On The Water but who cares! Thanks for correcting me ALL the time, hah.
Love you :)
April 14, 2010
I need you like a heartbeat.

School's been getting in the way.
When can i ever the rest that i
really need?
I'm very tired but I shan't complain. I guess, this is what I have to go through as a secondary four kid. It has been a really rough month, I'd say. I have been very very involved in my CCA and i don't think I've not been turning up for any one of it except for when I'm sick.
Now you see how it is. I just love the atmosphere there and Angklung is like family to me now.
I don't wanna step down just yet. I am not ready to. Hm, i shall compose myself and not get too upset over having to step down from this CCA.
I have never felt more accepted than to be there with everyone that I know and love.
Oh and! Homework after homework after homework. It just adds to the stress.
I feel so stressed and tied up with school, homework, school, homework. It is going to be like this for a while now. Darn it.
But i really shan't complain.
AH, SHIT. My stomach hurts when i sneeze. Stupid Sit Ups.
And, left eye's hurting so bad. It's red.
Maybe, it's a sign for me to sleep.
So i shall sleep.
We're tripping in our hearts and it's reckless and clumsy,
'cause i know you can't love me here...
i wished you'd realize your mistake and how you used to use me in the past. I just want you to realize and that is all.
Pure Awesomeness.
April 03, 2010
I wish our hearts could come together as one.

Cause shorty is a eenie meenie miney mo lova.
In love with Justin Bieber. Nice hair, nice smile, nice eyes.
BUT! I'm not obsessed over this 1.61 m kid, thank you.
I think I'm gonna get a new phone soon. I want those with qwetry keyboards though.
Three Looks.
April 02, 2010
Oh, back up baby, back up...

Ah, it's already the second of April.
First of April's a day where people would pull pranks on other people just because it is April's Fools. Nice. And now, that the day is done... Whoa.
I had a few people pranking me but it wasn't like a huge scary prank or anything, just simple little pranks. What a day, really.
I totally wanna catch 'The Last Song' as soon as it comes out. Truly.
The trailer's good. I like how the guy (Liam) put seashells all over Miley. Kind of cute.
Beautiful Melody, When The Night's So Long.
Cos There Is No Guarantee That This Life Is Easy.
Yeah, When My World Is Falling Apart, When There's No Light
To Break Up The Dark, That's When I Look At You.
"Sometimes, you have to be apart from the people you love but that doesn't mean you love them any less. Sometimes, it even makes you love them more."