Wearing Her Heart On Her Sleeve.
April 30, 2009
This Is The Life,
Hold On Tight.
Okay. I really think that Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato are BEST FRIENDS.
Ya get that? Best friends!! Oh My Gosh. I have a friend who now, HEARTS Miley Cyrus, man. *hints*
Life's going quite alright... minus a whole lot, its - awesome.
Sometimes, things do get tensed and all you can think of doing is to cry it all out and that was exactly what i did in class just now during my maths lesson.
I recapitulate on whatever that has been happening these past few weeks and broke down.
I did.
I just couldn't stand all of it and I think I'm just too naive.
Am I? Am I?
I cannot keep everything to myself anymore and as so, i thought, talking to people would make me feel a bit better but it somehow didn't work. It did a teeny bit. I really don't know if there's a barrier in between everything. What the heck is stopping me from defending myself?
No wait. I already did. But people just cannot stop bugging me. Can't stop not bothering me.
Am i THAT vulnerable?
Why am i not strong enough to defend?
Am i THAT vulnerable?
Everything is in a mess.
I thought, problems solved, life goes straight and easy after all of it.
But then, another freakin' problem occurs.
I do not know what my deal is... Maybe i am just too sensitive.
Maybe nobody cares about what i am writing here.
But so what. I'm hurt. My feelings are.
I feel like an arrow just penetrated my heart.
And it is also killing me inside.
Why do people have to hurt people?
I will never never let all of these affect me anymore.
Breathe, Qazimah. Breathe. Be Patient. Everything will go smoothly and the way you want it, very very very soon. Just breathe in deep. Inhale, Exhale.
Inhale, Exhale.
Breathe, breathe, breathe...
Yknow what, I feel wayyy better now.
Thanks, Hanafi, Isk, Amalia, Rasyiqah, Rahman.
What Hanafi said to me, made sense. YAY. Thank you eh.
Last Long with dear your girlfriend!
Chatted with Hanafi not long ago and I
almost broke down, again!
But glad I didn't. Whoa, I saved my tears for something better to cry for. Like, pass my exams with flying colours? Yeah, tears of joy ah. Better kan.
I need people to talk to.
Nah, know what, i need
you. NOW. D;
you are so hot.
And also, Angklungbadly.
I miss miss miss Angklung. I miss the people there.
Love Them So Much.
Assembly this morning Ms Goh's read her part of her story about Kindness and the story really touched my heart.
Can't believe I'm saying this again but yep, i felt like tearing up but i did not.It was so touching and sweet and true.
Very very touching.
It moved me.
I then told myself to really be thankful for the loving family and friends that i have.
The sweet, touching story moved me.
I loved it.
I miss the people above leh!
And I need more dresses! URGENT.
Its the 'IN' thang for me now ya knowww. :D
not gonna be even close to complete, i wont rest until you're mine.
I Wanna Ride A Carousel.
April 29, 2009
[what's Kimberly wearing, man?!]My State Of Mind, Has Finally Got The
The Best Of Me,
I Need You Next To Me.
I'm one cranky
old woman.
I complain a lot, I get mad easily and i talk too much.
Just so you know, that, i think is so unlike me... Oh, exclude the
'i talk too much' part though. Well, because I realize that I do talk much. TOO much. Be it at home or school and I think the only reason is that I have a lot in mind and i tend to vent it out by talking non-stop.
Okay wait. Do i make sense? NO.
I can't possibly vent my anger by talking non-stop, can i?
my anger for me, includes eye-rolling and a "Shut Up Biatch." or "Shut Up."
or also, "I know you're just jealous of me." when they fluster me when i already am irritated or annoyed.
That's what I say because I think by saying all of the things quoted above, it boosts my self-esteem. Well, maybe just the "I know you're jealous of me." part la.
I would never wanna go to the extent into cursing people because I think they have feelings and if i do, they will just be meaner. So I let them be and let them have fun at where they're at. I'll let them be. I'll just be nice to them because I believe in helping people and they will help you back in return when you need them.
Oh well, sometimes?
They just don't.
Why am i saying all of these?
I do not know why.
I'm just full of crap okay.
I'm cranky, I'm tired.
I don't know why am i so tired and feeling rather, sad.
I don't know why.
Exams are just a few days away and I'm not at all prepared.
I plan to actually study with friends but they are busy with their own revision and things like that. I need the friend who is able to motivate me to study and also able to help me memorize tons of things and is patient enough to do so.
But, there is so far... No One.
Omg why?
Help ah!
Happy Birthday, Rasyiqah.
You're finally fifteen.
I do know that we've gone through a lot together, arguments here and there
but you know, I believe we'd do better if we were to rekindle this friendship.
I hope you liked the present Rusydi, Amalia and I gave you.
Thanks so much for being a friend.
I hope you enjoyed your birthday, sweetheart.
if you seek amy.
Pose, Flash, Tabloid.
April 27, 2009
"Please Don't Go, I Won't Stay,"
All These Words On Replay...
Three Cheers For Five Years - Mayday Parade, listening to it makes me want to cry. So does Automatic Loveletter's Make Up Smeared Eyes and I think, Unbeautiful by Lesley Roy totally reflects on the current situation I'm stuck in.
I can't get myself out of it. Or maybe, I'm already am out of it all but i didn't realize it.
Time flies fast without even myself realizing it...
Okay, I should stop with all the emotional things I tend to write about.
So, Army Daze was shown on Okto yesterday night and it was hilarious.
I had a real good laugh while watching it with Daniel through texts.
Its been a long while since we last texted each other.
"Eeee, the body so full of flab. Not hot ah."
"My body hotter right? Lol. Perasan."
Amalia and I then talked about the show while in school just now.
Oh and had English and Mother Tongue Mid-Year today. English? I loved loved it. I wrote a lot of things at the end of the page. I don't know how many paragraphs I wrote, honestly.
All i knew was that the whole of the last page was full of what I had to write.
Mother Tongue was easy too. I just hope I ace it all because I havent been working hard, so far, these days. Well, i actually don't study when I'm home but, I do quite understand what is being taught in class. So proud of myself. "D
I'm kinda sleepy but I do not want to sleep, I think.
Oh, maybe later la, not now.
And I can't believe what I got to know from Syahirah. It's shocking. It should be in the press you know! :P
Today overall, went all right.
I was so high yesterday, well, a bit. And, today too.
I guess i'm only high when I'm sleepy and do not want to sleep.
I have really lost a friend.
No, I've lost two of my friends to be exact.
It hurts to know that I have because I would never want to lose any one of my friends just like that.
I can't believe we're in a distance because of something that, the world shouldn't know.
I don't like it very much.
What should i do?
This goes out to the both of you...
I really miss you guys and I want the two of you, back.
I love you two and what happened to the old times?
Where we talked, texted and everything else?
It really hurts.
Yes, i put on a brave, happy front but it is killing me inside.
What else should i do?
And by the way, Good luck Daniel, I know you can do it. Do your best, prove them wrong. (:
Zahrah, I'm sorry if i haven't been calling you much lately. I love you babe but i sometimes am busy and sorry for neglecting this friendship. I do call you whenever I can, sometimes but it's always at the wrong time. I'm really, very sorry. But other than calling, we can text right?
and no, the reason i havent been calling you is because, ive been quite occupied with things and activities and MYE's super near. Not because you have a phone.
I miss all the outings we used to have.
What about an outing together to make it up to you, babe?
Its been quite a while since we were last out though. So how?
Kay, Qazimah is now bored. Very!
I want you and I'll scream it from the top of my lungs
I've been told what's done is done, to let it go and carry on.
But no, I can't let go...
The friendship you promised, was forever more.
And It was YOU and ME.. Us, Against the world.
Let The Stars Shine, Tonight.
April 26, 2009
Just take my hand,
I'm calling you out,
Now I've shown you my heart,
So take it away...It is Aniq Raiyan Seah Jie Jun and Andi Haikal Seah Jie Lun's birthday party today.
Their birthdays, if i'm not wrong are just a few days away so, they made the party today days before their separate birthdays.
And, Just in case you haven't notice, my dad's side of the family is multi-racial,
Jai Ho! :D
Well, the party was quite normal andddd obviously, noisy with all my aunts and uncles talking super loudly and them karaoke-ing = MASSIVE HEADACHE.
They sang to very very old tunes that my parents would listen to and things like that.
It, overall was fun though. I had fun and it's a coincidence that Wan, Angah and I have the same phone but theirs are the E71 version, just a teeny-bit different from mine.
The KWB Camwhored to the max while i, talked to Akmal and thought Mus'ab the names of primary colours. (;
Cheeey wah.

I Can't Move On...
Unbeautiful somehow reminds me of SYF and I do not know why.
It's weird because Unbeautiful's lyrics doesn't have anything that has got to do with performances or anything like that. Gah.
It reminds me of the whole lot of pain i'm going through too... which is, sustaining all of these...
The friendship, the feelings and wayyy lot more.
Have anyone really actually feel how I have been feeling these past few weeks?
Everything is inevitable, predictable, sure to happen.
I am only at a level where I can go through bearable pain.
Not like what i am going through.
It is sure to not settle.
It is going to go on and on and on.
Who is never going to get tired of it all?
Because I, honestly... I, already am.
So dramatic, so full of jealousy, heartbreaks...
Okay, maybe one thing occurring is not that bad but a whole lot is.
I have to care about quite a lot of people and their feelings.
What about mine?
People do care and ask me if i am okay and if i'm fine...
I say I am but i don't really mean it.
There is a lot more to what i am writing here.
I have to let it out.
I want you now...
I want the old old you back.
you, who'd listen to everything.
you, the person who'd help me go through it all even when you have problems.
you would put yourself in my shoes, care so very much about me and worry about me every night.
Asking me if i am really okay.
I want you, back.
I want the old you back.
I want the conversations we would use to have...
But now you're not okay, I think I should never bother you unless you really are already okay.
Just so you know, I really, really miss you.
And i wonder what i have done to cause all these...
Hope You Will Make It Better,
April 24, 2009
Every Hole Makes A ScarAnd Every Scar marks It's PlaceThen I Will Never Live Freely Without Your Trace...
I honestly think that I'm the rebound.
Today is a Friday and I planned to make Monkey-Munch for the family or at least bake a cake or cookie because I have so badly wanted to bake something since last month! I'm craving for Monkey-Munch. I want to make Monkey-Munch!
Don't know what the heck Monkey-Munch is?
Look it up the Internet, man.
It's a cereal-like thingy mixed with peanut butter and whatever...
Look it up, really. It looks craveable.
There is no such word as 'craveable' at all by the way, Hah.
I'm crazy.
And I am even crazier to be online when Mid-Year's just Monday.
Monday, baby!
I haven't even studied but it is a good thing that I have my reading materials ready for when it starts. :D
Automatic Loveletter's Make Up Smeared Eyes is a nice song.
It reminds me of Angklung and when the others cried when playing Labyrinth and My Way for the last time. I could still remember it all... It's just so sad. D;
I would never want to see the seniors leave because I love them too much to see them leave, really. I do not want Insyira and all the other seniors to leave. Insyira, She have been a really hot senior and a great friend to me. I don't want to see her cry leaving us. I, infact do not want anyone else to cry too when they leave. I don't want them to leave.
I want chocolate mousse now.
GAH. I crave for too many things eh.
This is just a sudden thing that came to mind.
i don't want anymore disagreements.
i don't want us to not talk anymore, at all.
we used to be so close but, but what happened now?
is this thing we're having going down the drain?
why are we so tensed, so temperamental over the littlest things?
i think i am alright but i think we need giving-ins and chances at the same time... We have to.
We do.
i don't want all the things we used to have together to stop.
this friendship is not over and i don't want it over.
i would never never ever want it over because its never going to be over.
lets just apologize, give it, forgive and also, forget.
because that is the only thing we can do now.
if not all those above, just forgive.
that's the simplest thing you can ever do.
if you feel bad, you'd have the tendency to do that.
but i think now, we are all actually in the wrong.
let us just not repeat this again when it is all over, please?
i have had enough drama.
i do not want more of it.
its sickening, its torturing.
but you know, this is life.
what am i to do about it?
i just have to go through it well.
and know how to deal with these stuff.
i'll just hope for the better of things, i guess?
and i want you to want me. ):
Let's Treasure These Moments, Together.
April 22, 2009
Where Did I Go Wrong?I Lost A Friend...Let's Treasure These Moments Together, Shall We?
I would honestly say that today rocked.
Today rocked.
I love everyone. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E.
Don't worry guys... Even though we didn't win, we all teamed together to try to win.
Do not cry. Don't be sad... We had teamwork, we worked our ass off for this competition, we did our very very best.
We did it. We should be proud of what we have done and come on, let's not cry about it.



You guys are the best and i love you.
You guys mean so much to me.
Thanks for "I Feel Ya..." (Totally Nadhirah, man!)
Thanks Makcik Bedah Bechok, Tipah Skippy, Phatimah. (Lol!)
Tipah Skippy order epok-epok!
(Inside Joke.)Thanks for listening to the every single word I had to say.
Thanks for comforting me when I cried just now.
Haidah, Wafa, Shafiqah & Tahir.
Thank You.
I don't know why am i thanking people but yes, I have to admit that I do love them and yes, they mean the world to me.
I Love You Amalia, For being the best friend ever.
I Love You Syahirah & Nadhirah, For Cheering me up whenever I'm down and always there to never fail to make me high and we'll laugh our heads off over the makcik talks we'd have like, almost every Angklung practices and for always being the listening ear.
I love ya.
I Love You Wafa, for the friendship card you gave me and the hug. (:
I Love You Erwin for always talking to me and making me smile and laugh at the silliest things.
I Love You Insyira for being there, listening to everything... my complains and things like that.
You're The Best babeh.
I Love You Rusydi. You are the greatest guy friend I've ever had. *hinthint, Amalia*
I Love Vera, for being the best junior. The very best. I love you girl. Thanks for always sticking with me and yeah, the camwhoring parts with you were the best.
I hope you're okay with everything that you are going through in life now.
Ill always be with you babe. Cheer up!


You mean a lot to me.
i've made friends.
I've found friends.
I love my friends.
I love them to bits and pieces.
I love it that they care too much.
I just oh-so-think that they are one... in a million.
not going to be alone anymore.
Snap Back To Reality, Babeh.
April 21, 2009
You Are My Destiny,
Nothing Can Ever Come Between Us.
I have been too tired and obviously, lazy to actually get back home and surf the net to blog and things like that. I'm tired, too tired, honestly. I'll get back home late and tend to get really sleepy at times.
I'll sleep quite late and i will have eyebags. Shit you eyebags. Urgh. I hate hate eyebags. So annoying. But you know, I'll just blog anyways.
(Gosh, my eyes are closing and are also visibly red!)
Went to catch Seventeen Again, the show that Zac Efron's in, with Rusydi and Amalia (On Monday, 20th April) at Tampines (It has always been Tampines, huh.) Oh, the show isn't that bad. It, in fact is quite hilarious... It's kind of predictable though.
But since the movie starts wayyy later than expected, the three of us went Tampines One to window shop. Yes, with Rusydi around... He is as noisy as a naggy old mother, man. Kidding!
I went to Topshop and he kept complaining and complaining on how boring it was to spend the time at Topshop -.- I should just bring a scotch-tape along with me the next time he follows me to shop. Seriously. :P
Toilet Picture Taken! :D
Kay, errr. Ewww!
Went to Arian's birthday party.
It's a Mickey Mouse Themed Party and it was super fun.
Super exciting and it felt nice to like, bond with your cousins and talk to them about the stuff they don't usually hear from you.
It was held at Aloha Chalet (I think?!?!?)
Dipped my feet in the pool because it was so burning hot at that point of time.
And played at this thingyy that's for actually, little kids.
But we were just there to camwhore, though.
Isnt that just too obvious?
I bought new specs and i kind of think it looks pretty big on me.
But, do you care?
So so, the funniest thing before Angklung started?
You should know what it was Nad,
Yeah, tmr is SYF and I, for some reason am a bit nervous.
It's scary. Even though I'm not playing for SYF, it is real scary to see all the nervous faces around me.
And the judges judging you, observing your every move.
Good luck Angklung-ers! :D
I love you!
And Nad, with whatever result we get, don't be dishartened kay?
Walked home with Sya and Nad, usual.
Talked to Nad on my bus ride home.
Yeah, the two are the best.
Kay, I am very high now.
I have to go and sleep.