February 27, 2009

I'll have you think, That I'm the one.
You play the part, I play alongWe can have A lot of funUntil I'm done...
OMG! OMG! Jessica Sutta's (Above) If I Were A Man is superrrr nice. I got addicted to the song when viewing Athirah's blog and when she put that particular song as her blog song.
I Like. :D
And i found out that... my cousin just gave birth to a baby boy and we have yet to visit her and her family later at the hospital before dinner. Heh, this is like, so cool.
And i'm eating Honeystars now. I haven't had my lunch since i got back home and that was like around 130pm? Woo, I'm famished.
Like, i wasn't hungry just now so i went online and when i was halfway through surfing the net, i got hungry and so now, i'm eating a bag of honeystars, it is so sweet and so nice.
Yep, i know you don't care.
Gosh, looks like I'm going to miss The Hills Online today, huh?
I've been online for so long already and i'm lazy. I'll just watch it tomorrow or something.
I so so have to!
OhFreak. I hate CPA CT today. It sucks so bad. Like, really, seriously.
The paper was damn freaking hard and i was suffering so bad when it came to section B of the paper. I bet the whole class didn't even study and i did and i am now so proud of myself that i did.
I can gurantee that i'll get a few parts right. Ooohno. I shouldn't be to over confident. /=
I just hope that i get it all right because i studied a like, a few of it.
I so want that blackberry-look-a-like phone.
Oh oh, please let me have it.
it's so cuteeeeee.
Alright. I'm going off.
Will upload pics when taken, next time.
i didn't know that at fifteen.
February 26, 2009

This life that I lead,
Its trapped me naive..
I wanna scream out loud,
Leave the past behind...
"Now is my time."
I can never get You're Not Sorry By Taylor Swift out of my head, I'm stuck to the song! I mean, the lyrics are so... personal.
i just think missing someone whom i can't forget is not right.
i feel so, not right.
i feel like something's missing. Like, you're a part of how i am now.
You used to be how i feel, you used to be whom i always think about every time.
i feel like something is missing like You're drifting away from me.
you used to be my motivation.
you used to be how i used to be the last time.
But i feel so, different now.
I cry each night thinking of the things we used to talk about, laugh about and cry about.
you gave me hope and i believed you.
But it's all different now. Things are changing.
I miss the you i used to talk to.
I miss everything about you.
Even though that was so a long time ago, it still haunts me now.
But i kept my feelings down.
Where do i go from here?
I tried to replace you with everything but nothing seem to fit even though i want to.
This emptiness is all you left me with.
I am, yes, chasing the pain away... but is it even going away?
Your always in my heart
There's no letting go, you gotta know
You're unforgettable
I just need to hear you speak, There's nothing in-between us will you be there if I reach? how long will i know this?
I am feeling broke with pretending i am alright...
because i am done with hiding...

watch neighbours, Australian Network, Channel 170 (;
i've run out of words to say....
February 25, 2009
I don't want to do this any longerI don't want you there's nothing left to say,
Hush-Hush, Hush-Hush...
I can't wait to catch Confession Of A Shopaholic The Movie. i wonder when is it going to be released... I borrowed the book from the school library a few weeks ago and i am now getting to chapter ten or was it twelve? i think. Never mind. I just want the movie out so i can watch it.
My current blog song is Bad Girl by The Pussycat Dolls and it, yes, is going to be featured in the movie itself. OMG, can't wait!
Oh, neither can i wait for The Hills Season 4 on MTV Asia nor The City, which is going to be shown on the telly i-don't-know-when.
Probably much much much later than expected. Well, obviously. Just, OMG. I can't stand the slow-ness. I have yet to catch Laguna Beach, the oldest oldest-est show ever, i actually watched The Hills at mid Season 3 and i became interested in the show... i have never really watched Laguna Beach like, at all.
Gosh, do you guys even care about what i'm typing about?
All these The City, The Hills and Laguna Beach?
If you don't, stop reading.
Went to the library to
study with the
new normal people.
yes, i studied.
Tomorrow's like my CT and it's EBS and english. I am not
that prepared. But i promise i'll do my best. I've set a positive mindset and i don't want to let anyone down anymore, especially my parents. I so want to prove them wrong.
I wanna show them that i can do it. And not only
it but every single little thing, too.
I want to be more responsible, independent, trustworthy, nice and not so k-po, i want to prove people wrong and that i stand out. Something like that.
Yeah, seriously.
I've been trying to be that way since this year started and yes, i did prove them wrong once but i don't think that is enough. I have to show them, really prove them wrong and that i can do it and it's never enough for me. i have loads to catch up, in studies that is.
Just cheer up okay? Don't cry because of all these. It's not worth it. You should've listened to all the people around you because they know you and want the best for you and they also don't want you hurt. I've warned, quite many times. But you didn't want to listen so, i let it be. And now you're crying so bad that your eyes are sore.
You weren't even in the mood in class to even say a word to me when you were really really sad. for me to hear it is already heartbreaking, what 'bout you? I know the feeling.
You feel so sad that you can't do anything right at that point of time because it is all affecting you. Don't cry.
Or, just cry out loud to let it out. Scream all you want because it will only hurt you more if you keep it inside you.
I've cried over the phone with you a lot.
And i'm here for you. I won't leave you just like that, i promise. Friends will never leave each other hanging when they are in need, do they?
SMILE. And you are really awesome. You have always been there for me. Thanks so so much but, sorry i kept mentioning about
ykw so many times that it irritates the both of us so badly. :P
But, who cares. It's me you're talking about! :P
Just so you know, i care about you i want you to be happy.
There are wayyyy more better
guys for you than you know who laaaaah, haha.
Like OMG. Really.
Now, what about me?
I don't know.
I'm still sad. I cried over the phone with Rusydi and Amalia loads of times and they never seem to get tired of it, well, i can tell that they do but Rusydi'll be like, "Ala. Just Forget about it, Qazimah." And Amalia will be the one who talks alot about what my issues are about.
I do still cry almost every night because of it.
I'll try my best not to. but it never seem to go away.
Okay, watching The Hills Season 4, Ep 3 sooon!
I'm watching Wildchild with My mum later. Haha! Maybe.
And Studying later do. But i do accept distractions. :D
i wanna be somewhere in the middle with you...
February 24, 2009

Get your look out of my face,
'Coz I've had it with your lies,
You're pretty damn close to being unfine,
'Cuz everything you do makes you look like a fool.
(Omg, it's so weird to start my post with a HAHA) But....
See, i thanked you in large fonts. Lol. Okay, i am so weird today... Maybe due to tiredness.
Yes, i am tired. School stuff pretty much occupy my time on the comp.
I'll be telling myself to not get anywhere near the comp... like, not unless i finish my homeworks pr something. So see, i am innocent. Okay, not really lah.
Haha. But still!
I'm back from my grandmum's and i feel like sleeping now.
And yay, i have found a checkered shawl somehow somewhere and it's nice. It's checkered yes. It's black and red, too. Yes.
Gawd. It's so cute and i have to have to wear it out.
Next time. I'll look for my sleeveless, tights and match it with the shawl.
Ahhhhhs, i so missed my Kindergarten days.
I can clearly remember who i was friends with the last time... Nurulashikin, Shahrul, Ashraf, Siti Zubaidah and an Atika girl... oh, a Nabilah(?) or was it, Nadirah... or... i dont know. But i am pretty sure her name starts with the letter 'N', too. And a guy named Nick.
My mum's friends with Ashraf's, Shahrul's, Siti's and Nick's mum. HAHA. Cool.
I last saw Shahrul when i was p6. I was on the way back home from somewhere BVSS and i saw him and his mum.
I last saw Atika... when i was p2(?) Not so sure.
I last saw that 'N'-lettered girl when i was.. okay. not sure either.
And Nick. Nick. Nick. I saw Nick at Tampines when my mum and I were on our way to my aunt's.
He's cute lah. Haha, his voice dah pecah. Hot voiceeeee.
I miss those times.
I missed my old Temasek Primary friends, too.
I never actually got to get to know them well but i remember their faces.
OMG. I so miss them! D;
Ohohoh, i miss Zahrah too. She must've a hard time at OBS.
I once mentioned EBS as i thought it was OBS.
I was like, "Ahhhs, Zahrah... Have fun at EBS!!"
And she went all, "errr? OBS, Qazimah!"
I miss you babe! :DDDD
kay, i am tired and i want to sleep soon.
like, later-er.
i pretty pissed with Rusydi lah. You dont have to know why.
And i loveeee playing Labryinth.
I kept pronouncing it as lee-breeen. when it's lab-ri-yn, :P
Like, OMG Laurennnn!
February 23, 2009

I'm ready for the pressure,the drama and the pleasure, got my whole life here in front of me, I'm takin' over when i hit the streets...I currently am watching The Hills Season 4,
Episode One, that's showing on MTV Asia on the 2nd of March and I'm not
that patient to wait for it to start airing when America airs it first and as so, I'm watching it online.
Like, finally. I have been too lazy to watch it online.
Oh, I'm trying to get myself organized, though.
I'm doing quite a lot of things nowadays. I'm getting pretty much busy, busy and busy... Let see,
Monday: okay, I'll reach home at around 1pm or 1pm-ish. No staying-back unless there is a need to.
Tuesday: I have Angklung and it ends at around 5+ or 6+, sometimes. And if there is any Homeworks ,I'll do it in the midst of waiting for Angklung to start. But for now, I have music lessons to attend to. Music coursework, I mean.
And I'll have lunch, attend music then, to Angklung.
Wednesday: Nothing much. Stayback or go to the bedok/school library to read or do homework with friends.
Thursday: Angklung again.
Friday: Nothing.
Kay, right. I am not that occupied as you all are. NT students finish school like, wayyyyy earlier than Express and Normal. We end school at 12.50pm. Cool, huh?
I know. I like it. :D
So, my Gossip Girl It's You That I Want book is being passed around from hand to hand in class. Gosh! annoying! I don't even know why they do that! It's a good thing they didn't actually tear any one of the page out. I bet if they do, I'll either curse crazy (Which I usually don't do much and it's unusual of me if i were to) or cry in front of their faces. I really think either one of that will happen.
But, thank god they did not.
Eh, seriously lahhhh, I think Spencer should shave his moustache... All of it out.
It's disgusting.
Audrina's a total bimbotic biatch.
OMGGG. OMGGGG, I miss the word
BIATCH! And i think Whitney's kinda pretty.
Heh. Sorry i hopped to one topic to another. I'm like multi-tasking right now. He he. I don't usually and can never multi-task but surprisingly today, i can.
I love reading Sophie Kinsella's Confessions Of A Shopaholic, really.
The book is awesome. It makes me want to shop more more more.
I'm trying to save money for the scaf ive been eyeing on at Cotton On, really. If it's really sold out, i'll regret not buying it. Gah!
And I dislike
this ep of The Hills so much! Ive just finished watching it though.
Now watching Season 4 Episode 2. HAHA.
Hate the fact that Aud's in it. I know she
is supposed to be in it, but she's like, being a total a-hole when Lo seeks for forgiveness! Shit-ass stupid lah.
Okay, I want the phone i blogged about yesterday.
I want that scaf.
I want that Vest.
I need a calculator to do my homework. I've lost it.
I need it urgently... I have to go downstairs to buy it and i'm to lazy to.
Somebody help meeeeeee.
Have to continue watching my fave show.
i never regretted having feelings for you and it never was a mistake.
February 22, 2009
Whitney Port will no longer be involved in "The Hills" series starting early 2009.
The Teen Vogue former fashion contributor will get her own spin-off called,
"The City" that will show her journey in New York City as a new employee of Diane Von Furstenberg.
I was late for Madrasah again today. D;

So picture below is what i found when my brother was cleaning the old cupboard in the room.
My Kindergarten and Primary One Class Photo. HAHA.
Cool right?
Just try spot me! :D
I can still remember some of my classmate's names. Both Primary and Kindergaten.
Went to PP just now and i was so hoping the shawl i wanted was there at cotton on and it wasn't.
WTFFFFFFF. I was so mad lah. I was even on the verge of crying. Got to know that it was only available at Tamp's Cotton On. I so have to get there as soon as possible. I want it it it it! D;
The Vest I've been wanting for so long too.
Asked the salesperson and he said that the display was like, the only piece left. The LAST piece left... It was $47+.
And my mum was like, No. And i was begging for it because i know that it matches with anything and everything!
I wanted to cry, really.
I wanted it so badly and it was also the last piece and it was important to me.
I mean, if it's sold out, it's sold out. I can never retive it back or anything, can i?
I was in no mood and my mum was then asking if i wanted it and i said no. But, i honestly actually still do.
It's important okay.
I don't care... if it is still there. I so want to get it.
I so so want to and i don't care if it's super ex or not. I'm hoping if there is a sale, the vest'd be there in the sale.
I got nothing today but a green-stripped pink socks. Like, OMG?
I freakin' want that vest.

But other than the vest, i think i want this phone, too. It's so cool. But not as cool as a touch-screen uh. I stil want this. It looks like a Blackberry that Nicole Richie has. But of course hers is a real blackberry lah.
Oh, have i mentioned that Nurin has a touch-screen?
Yep, she has.
It's so awesome. (;
I want a vest.
I want a shawl.
I want the phone.
These are what i want for now, so badly.
I want an LV.
I've fallen in love with Emma Robert's character in Wildchild, Poppy Moore.
Her LV bag on the wall is super sexy!
i am hungry.
i can't survive with you by my side...
this is what happens when two worlds collide...
currently am chatting with Ashraf online about our PAP lives.
February 17, 2009
Don't say that you're sorry
For breaking every inch of my heart.
It's not worth waiting for anyone at all sometimes.
I know how
you feel,
you know who you are.
It sucks and I so know that.
It will only hurt you and i know it.
Because I've been in your position before and i got hurt, so bad that i cried.
And i know you cried too because i saw you crying.
Sorry for mentioning (insert a name) name so much that it made you cry so bad.
I am so so sorry.
I never intended on doing that at all.
It was accidental.
Hope you are okay.
and I'm still sorry.
Just get over it.
I don't like it when my friends are sad and their reason, Guys.
Sometimes i wonder what is so special about guys that girls go goo-goo-gaa-gaa over them so much?
don't want it over.
February 16, 2009

I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack's great.
It's a must listen!
The song's a bit 'dramatic' though... But. Nice. Very adult-y i mean. Like, the tune and vocals and stuff.
But, Just click on the above image anyways... You know, to listen to it as the image above will bring you to listening to the song.
Listen okay!
Oh, i bought neon green shoe laces today to fit in with my black converse.
I do know that black don't do well much with green but, i don't care... I just mix and match sometimes.
And I like it.
I have been out the whole day and I'm so tired!
Met my mum at the airport for lunch with my brother since my mum works at the airport and had lunch at Popeye's.
Went Tamp to shop and that was where i bought those awesome neon-ed laces! :D
Eh eh.
I so badly want that pretty little shawl sold at Cotton On!
It's boxed+checkered and it's a mixture of gray and black and white on it. It is so nice and i so like it.
I have to have it!
It's like, only ten-freaking-dollars! Like, HELLOOOO?
It's important. That is why i want it.
A pretty little shawl and it's a must for me to get it lah. Yes, it's a simple one but I've layed my eyes on it. It's cute and you can either dress it up or dress it down with it.
SEEE! Fits with everything.
I wanted it so badly just now but my mum was like, "We have a lot of those at home."
And i begged her to rummage through her closet as soon as possible because i want a shawl and wear it out, so bad. D:
Even Nurin kept asking me for a shawl okay.
And i do have a green one but it is so simple and there's nothing like, no patterns. It's just so plain. I want THAT PRETTY LITTLE SHAWL! D:
I so have to get it if i see it at Cotton On again and there will be no thinking twice anymore.
So, had Swensens in the mid afternoon.
I had Sticky Chewy.
Gosh, I am hungry right now and i need fooooood!
you're always being yourself and that is what i like about you.
February 15, 2009
She gave everything she hadTo a boy who changed his mind.
Cos' when you're fifteen, somebody tells you they love you
You're gonna believe them.
I missed the old times.
Outings. Holidays. Being on the phone for really really long, talking about a lot of stuffs to my friends, to everyone whom i haven't been in touch with for very long.
The words, whatever anyone said to me... it keeps playing in my mind and it never fails to.
I thought i could.
I really thought i could.
I strongly thought i could, move on.
but i just... couldn't.
I'm still stuck in the same old place, the same old position.
What else should I do?
The thought of you, motivates me.
What else is there for me to do?
No, I'm not waiting.
I never will and never will i want to.
It's been long and it has always been you.
I promised myself i would and i could.
But i haven't and couldn't.
Why is it you?
I need you.
But you are just so far away from me.
I can't hold you.
you took a holiday from us, took a trip and left your love.
February 13, 2009
Tell me do you feel the way I feelCoz nothing else is realin the LaLa land machine...
I had fun hanging with Zahrah, Rusydi and Amalia.
We went.... BOWLING! Finally!
After ditching Zahrah numerous times for that. Heh.
Played only a game and by then it was already like, 4 plus and Zahrah has to get home by 6 anyway... or she won't be able to be out anymore with anyone. -.-
Zahrah left then.
Ate lunch at Tamp's Macs.
Went off after that.
Bought a tee by the way. Yay. (:
Omg. I am so so sleepy and hungry and craving for soft cookies and coke!

P.s Zahrah, you are not in the pic with you and i together because i look shittaye in it! Sorry.
a promise doesn't mean a thing anymore.
February 11, 2009
I'm thinking I'll be okay,
chasing the pain away, but is it gone?
all the familiar signs are hiding behind my eyes,
but i can't move on.
Where do i go from here?
"I tried to replace you
with everything, but nothing seemed to fit
i want to, but i can't replace you..."
My legs are aching so bad and so are my fingers, they're so sore!
I guess my fingers deserves the aching and all because, i forgot to get my maths homework done on Tuesday. So my punishment were/are detention and what i had/have to do is to copy the maths questions typed in the workbook four times from page 1 to 8. FOUR TIMES LAH. OMG. But it is a good thing that i have had all of that done just now and i have to go for detention tomorrow too. Why, Because i excused myself on Tuesday itself, saying I had CCA so i won't have the time to do all of it. Thanks to Gavin, he kinda saved me. Lol, Thanks yeah. :D
Fyi, my CCA's on every Tuesday and Thursday and I want rest today so meaning, I don't want anything after school but to get home. Like, the maths teacher wasn't even in school lah. So what's the point of staying back also?
Hehs. It's just either I want or don't want to.
And my legs? I really blame Mass Excercise for it.
Seriously. I don't do good in running and I don't like sweating! The whole Sec Three's had to run 3 rounds around the huge huge field and run back and forth, also It was super burning hot at that point of time so i had a major headache but i didn't care. I ran and ran. I kept running although i knew i hated it. (Pukes)
My legs hurt like crazy now.
Thanks ah. Tomorrow's P.E, there will of course be a lot of running and floor-ball.
Lemme tell you, I hate it. I hate P.E and Mass Excercise to the core. I have to run and then floor-ball, the guys play rough. And i mean, reaaaallllyyyyyy rough. I so don't like it.
But i have to go to school.
My 'abang' is really lame, "Adik, I'm sorry I didn't meet you, I'm sick."
Sakit abeh boleh datang Angklung, pandai eh.
Music was superrific, really.
Hadi and I covered Zombie by The Cranbarries. (:
I actually wanted to get on the keys and play You're Not Sorry by taylor swift, but i didn't know the chords of the song much. Neither do i know I hate This Part by The Pussycat Dolls.
I only know the intro.
So sad right.
Ahhhhs, Demi Lovato's Don't Forget Deluxe Editionnnn!
I wantttttt.
Rasyad, hoped you liked the letter.
Thank You Phyras, very much.
i'm worn out.
you just really don't know how it hurts inside.
February 09, 2009
Don't Tell Me You Love Me When You Don't KnowWhat Love Is Anyway, I'm Saying It's Over And I Wanna Do What I Say And Make It Right...

Celebrated Shafiq's Birthday over at my grandma's and Akmal, cracked super funny jokes that made Shafiq, Aliah and I laughed like mad-people. Woo, Akmal has a super-terrific talent. He so can enter America's Got Talent, NOT!
OMG. Please lah, Akmal is just Akmal.
I can never describe how he is.
Soon after the celebration ended, it was off to Marina Barrage!
Wanted Akmal and Aliah to tag along but they couldn't, as in, weren't allowed to. So it was just Shafiq's family and Mine.
The place was just windy, awesome and high school musical-like. Oh oh, it looks very L.A-like too, at night... really!
No kidding.
Gosh, OMG lah. I so feel like baking... something.
And I still want MY SOFT COOKIES! So so so so badly D:
Just got home from Mac's a few hours ago, actually.
And thank you Rusydi for doing my homework for me! Wait. No, teaching me. TEACHING.
No, actually, he did it for me. Ya lah, he did it for me and err, kinda, taught me too. So, yeah.
I had an apple pie from Macs and shared fries with Amalia and Rusydi.
I wasn't that hungry after all.
Bought ice cream Sundae for my mum. :D
I then saw QUNXIANG!
He was calling me and i turned, I saw him and he's still short. HAHA.
Me: You're short.
QX: At least, taller than you!
Me: You ARE short!
QX: You also what, say people.
He's like, what. 1.55 and i'm 1.53?
I miss talking on the phone with you guys lah, you Rocking Duos! D;
And the tears in your eyes.
February 08, 2009
I'm gonna find someone someday,
who might actually treat me well...
I think I've pretty much fulfilled my cravings already.
I got everything i craved for, last night.
I got my hot chocolate from Starbucks last night and Soft cookies from Famous Amos but i still want those soft cookies. The ones from those cookie bags.
Soft cookies are just so delicious.
I want more of it. D;
Someone buy more of it, for me?
I told Amalia and Abang Rusydi that i don't want to attend school on friday, which is, Friday the 13th, where BV celebrates it's friendship + v'day, morphed together.
I really am not looking forward to it. I so am not.
Because i know it's not gonna be fun, for me... that is.
Everyone's not going to be free because i have asked.
Nevermind that.
Who cares.
What i wish for will never happen, anyways.
And, if you're wondering why i call that dear Rusydi abang is because, he calls me adik!
Like, wth? Fine lah. I'll let him call me whatever he wants. We're friends... So, ya.
He's awesome and a great friend.
(Jgn kembang kay, Di.) :P
Okay, whatever.
Oh, and i so love Kelly Clarkson's You Found Me. It's nice. :D
... And i think i just want you
yes. YOU.
nothing's special.
February 04, 2009
Jealousy has taken over their minds
And the words they try to break me down with,
They only make us stronger.
"But i never told you everything
I'm losing hope and fading dreams
And every single memory along the way..."
I hate every single thing that have been happening. And it's never going to stop if we're never going to sit and talk, slowly.
Never try to bad mouth someone when that he or she's under "Best Friend" Status. That's the promise, but why is it not kept as a promise?
"We will never break this friendship no matter what?"
That was so sec one. When we first got close and became the best of friends. But, what happened now? My friends. My best friends.
I want and need them back so badly.
It's on and off. Like, when one's okay, the other one is not. And it's so stupid. I feel so dumb to be the one either fighting or the middle person who have to listen to those 'debates' and stuff.
I'm trying to get over this particular person and I am trying my hardest to, but i can't.
So, i tried keeping myself busy, my mind occupied with my best friends. The best friends, the ones in school, the one who used to be there for me at my time of need. There when i need them. Always try to calm me down and say sorry like a playback machine when they've done something wrong.
But too bad. These all isn't happening anymore.
I do know that people change. But i don't know that it's until this extent.
I've been hurt so many times.
Love, Friendship. They hurt.
When i thought one can make my day, it had to be fully ruined by some other people and when you put your hopes up high for that someone and know that it's all not happening to way you want it to happen, you can't do anything anymore but cry.
That was what happened/is happening to me.
I need someone now.
I need someone to talk to.
I need you. But you will never be there for me anymore and i just, know it.
because things will never be the same again, will it?
Okay. I really am feeling suddenly, 'unappreciated'.
I want to cry.
Why isn't things happening to the way i want it to be?
Valentine's coming up and you all have plans.
The guys are off to Tamp to buy stuff for Valentines and I'm home.
No, I want to be home. I don't want to be out with them because I've no mood to.
Have a great Valentines, even though it's still a pretty long way to go. Well, not really actually.
Hell, who cares.
Hope you people will have a great V'day.
i've never had a real one before.
I need Zahrah, Murni, Zul, Yasmin. Wait. I think.
what happened to all of us?
and, happy b'day raymond.
3rdFeb. (:
February 03, 2009

When Can I Ever Find My Real Friends?
You, hurt me so badly that i cried my heart out in class. I couldn't stand it anymore. And someone whom i thought never cared about me and who's always disturbing me in class, asked if i was okay and why i cried.
Yes, you did apologize. But, why must you mention it?
Why say it without thinking?
It hurts. It really does.
But no matter what, I'll still always be there for you.
Because I still care about this friendship.
I am sorry, too.
my cheeks turned red and i cried.
February 02, 2009
That's The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift.
You're so in love that you act insane And that's the way I loved you Breaking down and coming undone It's a roller coaster kinda rush And I never knew I could feel that much And that's the way I loved you He can't see the smile I'm faking And my heart's not breaking Cause I'm not feeling anything at all And you were wild and crazy Just so frustrating intoxicating Complicated, got away by some mistake and now.
Alicia Ng! Remember this letter you gave me when i was about to enter secondary school? I bet you guys were like around, primary five when i got it and I then thanked you guys?
Ahhhhs! Alicia, it is a good thing that we're both in the same school now! Yay.

These pictures above are like old pictures of my cousins and i.
So cute right? I know. :P
And, OMGOMG. It's always problems after problems, gosh.
How irritating!
I just am tired of it all but nevermind, i'll endure. I'll be patient.
It's not really about my friends anymore but it's about... something else.
A load off my mind, another load comes. (sighs)
But, it's alright. Patience, patience.
(Breathe in, breathe out, Be patient)
they're totally babes and hunks!
omg, ew. HAHAHAHA.
just dance, gonna be okay, da da du du and just dance. let the record play, da da du du and dance!
February 01, 2009
And all I think about is how to make you think of me
And everything that we could be...
I love Candles by Hey Monday, my current blog song. (:
And I am happy that I'm out of those confusion i was in yesterday and I'm done... Crying does help, actually and i was kind of surprised that it helped me. I felt better after crying... Much much better.
Thank You, like, a million times... Zahrah, Murni, Iskandar, Zulhilmi and Daniel for being there at my time of need... You guys are so awesome. I'm much better now and I'm still sorry Murni. Thanks for always being there for me and Zul, you rock. (Yes, I know. "I rock, You pebble." as you would like it said better that way. :P)
I find something pretty strange, really. Like, i can never really be myself in front of my best friends, except for Zahrah and Zul though. I tend to be rather bossy and aggressive in front of them and they are Rasyiqah, Amalia, Rusydi, Rahman than the two, which is both Zahrah and Zul and i, myself don't know why.
I find them, the five hard to talk to sometimes. I can never fully express myself in front of the 5 but, the two. With the two of them... honestly, i feel myself and i feel comfortable with either of them. I don't understand why.
Oh oh, i got my converse shoes already and i LOVE it.
They're kid-sized. Size two, obviously. It's a kid-size and it's $45 when the adult size costs more. :D hah. I'm so happy that it's at a lesser price. I love my mum! She rocks (:
Thank you for the converse very much mother!
I got my silver-ishy glittery leggings already, too. Well, I am a member of 77th street, yeah! Finally. The silver-ishy leggings costs $28. Wow.
I thought it was like, $18. But i look at the wrong type of legging. I looked at those non glittery ones and they are $18. Lol.
Speaking of Bimbo-ness... You didn't know how 'bimbotic' i was just now okay.
Ustazah asked us to take our Fiqeh book out and my book wasn't on my table and ustazah asked where my book was...
Ustazah: Mana buku awak?
Me: Takde.
Ustazah: Apasal takde?
Me: Tak beli.
(Zahrah sits beside me for madrasah)
Zahrah: (Coughs Coughs) What is this? (Places the Fiqeh book on my table)
Me: Ohhhhhh! Wow. LOL. I did not know the book was ever in my bag!
Ustazah: (smiles)
HAHAHA, Omg. Wth? I didn't even know the book was ever in my bag lah.
Okay, nevermind.
And the 'hot chocolate meeting' i was supposed to have with Zahrah got 'cancelled' because i was late. And she wore two different coloured socks. One light pink, one dark pink.
Baik ah.
Eeeeee, omgosh, i sound so minah right now.
Ah, yes, i've done my homework and i understood what was being thought in school, finally!
Thank you again, Zahrah.
I want a new issue of Teen Vogue. Somebody please buy me one? :P
I chatted with Qazimah, Murni, Zul and Rasyad's friend whom i've heard a whole lot about.
- Yasmin
Wahhh, alot ah? :D kidding!
Playback's sucha waste.

The second I saw you, I thought you were my right one.
I'm writing this post and crying. It's just so hard for me to do it. I'm scared. Munn, you know why I am like this right now and I am sorry. D:
I think, I've been through a lot but.. this is the only thing that i can't keep to myself.
I should forget it all, right?
I kept thinking of everything just now and i just needed someone so badly to talk to. But, then, my friends were not okay. Nobody whom i thought was a good listener was okay and i was intimidated. I don't know what else to do but cry now.
Even if i do tell you you really won't know. Neither will you understand... Why break those promises? Why do you say things you know you won't mean? Would you rather see me cry than me being happy? I'm confused.
What should i do?
I don't know... I'm just pissed.
Why did you even make that choice and said that you promised you won't?
I did believe you when you said all that.
But when i told you every single thing i have been keeping in me all along, everything changed.
It all changed.
But everything all hit me and it came back.
I thought it was worth it... But it.... i guess, wasn't.
Was it ever right for me to let it go? I don't want to get over it but i guess, i have to.
I want to rewind everything and make it all happen again.
But i know it won't.
What should i do now?
I want to get over it but i can never get over it.
You're just the. one.
Do i have to paint a picture to make you see how i feel?
I'm suddenly dizzy.