December 31, 2008
The Hills. Lauren: How do you get rid of hiccups?
Heidi: Drink water upside down and put a pencil in your mouth.
Lauren: Is that possible?
Freak, So bimbotic! I was practically laughing my head off reading quotes from The Hills.
I mean, who the hell would want to put a pencil in their mouths to get rid of hiccups?
What The Heck, Bimbotic much. :P
Oh, my New Year Resolution Is ...
1) To Study Hard. Really, Hard.
Get Someone Who Cares For Me Like Crazy, LOL.
3) Be Better Person.
4) Build Self Confidence.
5) Be a really good friend.
Since it's gonna be the New Year, I would like to take this opportunity to Thank All My friends who've always been there for me. Guide me and is always there for me through my ups and downs.
Amalia, Rasyiqah, Zahrah, Atiqah, Ain, Nurin, Fatanah, Razeef, Rasyad, Zulhilmi, Murni, Selynna, Zulfaliq, Iskandar, Akmal, Hadi, Zachary & MJ.
You guys are like, the closest to Me.
Although I've known some of you through the Internet and have not met, Thanks so much guys for being there for me.
Murni. You are always there for me to cheer me up and you never fail to do so.
Iskandar. You know me too well and you were there at the point where i was breaking down.
Thank you people. :D
you turned my world a round with a single smile.
December 30, 2008

Thanks to you people who cheered me up when i was at my worst. :D
You know, i can never understand why guys sometimes, would rather go for the bad girls and not the good one. What's the point of being bad anyways? Is it good to be bad at all?
NO. It is not. Well, at least that is what i think.
And sometimes, guys are just .. Guys can
never understand how girl's feel.
All they do is break hearts, make them cry and would never want to look up to them and ask how they are anymore because they don't and won't want to care, even as friends.
Sure, guys can be nice at times.
Temperamental too. But other than being temperamental, they have their good sides. They can be super super nice to you. Sweet and all. But when they give up, they really do give up.
They give up and they're done with you.
and then, you cry.
All I need is one guy to show me that not all guys are the same.
Well, i'm just touching up on this topic. It's not that i care or anything. Just feel like writing these kinda things since Amalia have been crying and crying non-stop because of these kind of stuff.
Don't cry kay Amalia. :D
Be happy.
I gotta say, That quote by Kevin Jonas is totally right

"I’ve been giving out chances everytime and all you do is let me down.
And its taking me this long baby but I figured you out
and you're thinking we'll be fine again but not this time around ...
And I’m tired of being last to know.
And now you’re asking me to listen.
Cause its worked each time before.
You use to shine so bright.
But I watched all of it fade."
- Taylor Swift's You're Not Sorry.
Everytime I Try To Give Up, Hope Wispers, "One More Try."
December 29, 2008
You're denying what I say ...
Don't act like it's okay.

Met both Zul & Rasyad under my block to get the things Zul bought me from Malaysia.
He freakin' bought me a Wildchild CD and a Pink Monster 'thingy'. :D
Thank You, Zul! :D
He was being superrrr lame lah.
What he said was, "I'm Santa and he (points to Rasyad) is my helper.
And i'm like, WHAAAAAT.
Weird lah you. (x
We three were kinda lepak-ing under my block
, (but, we don't lepak like those mats&minahs okay) sat around, chit chatting and Zul was complaining how hungry he was.
And due to Zulhilmi's HUNGRY-NESS, we ate at a coffeeshop nearby. I didn't know he listen to good charlotte. it was cool to know lah. And we kept High 5-ing, LOL. And and I forgot what Rasyad and Zul ordered and i obviously didn't eat anything.
Arm wrestled with the both of them and i lost. I saw their muscles maaaann. IT WAS HOT. - NOT.
I have the urge to want to grab both their hairs uh. Their hair's are oh-so grab-able!
So i did. And they both pulled my hair back. HAAS. Sorry uh. Couldn't control myself :P
It was pretty fun to grab their hair.
Oh i think they said something in stereos, i like it. It was cute of them to saythings in stereos and i can tell people were really staring but who cares ...
With them, i don't care anymore cos they're as thick skinned as ever. :D (That is a good thing kay)Sat around again and we saw like, three mats under my block and i got scared and the both of them offered to send me up to the level i stayed. (:
Thanks, guys!

You listen to me when,I speak out loud and you,You know right when my heart's been bent,When my lifes tumbling around,You take me off the ground,You tell me everythings okay.
December 28, 2008
True Love Is When You Shed A Tear And Still Want Him.

I am terribly sorry for
that post. It really was a terrible post indeed .. i, honestly didn't know what got into me ... I had mixed feelings. The feeling of anger, embarrassment, sadness, i was trying to be happy when I can't and wasn't. Very sorry.
But, i am better now. I am great now, actually (:
So, Saturday was Kak Fizah, Shae's and my aunt's birthday celebration. It's like, birthdays morphed into one, altogether. Cool, right?
Camwhored a lot. Like, really a lot.
Played with Bubbles, Firecrackers and everything.
We had a competition on who blow the biggest bubble wins but i don't know who won, though.
I played with the firecrackers only once.
i was bored then.
So i sat down and Akmal was obviously sitting beside me on the phone with his darling girlfriend. And he was staring at me.
Akmal: (points middle finger)
Me: Whaaat?
Akmal: Aper sia?
Me: You didn't just finger me, biatch!
Akmal: (roll eyes)
Me: (kicks his chair)
Kak Firah/Brother/Shae: Eh, apasal tu? Gang fight per uh?
Me: He fingered me seh. (does the Whatever Major Loser Sign)
Akmal: Whatever seh, Qazimah. (roll eyes a million times)
Me: Annoying freak.
WTH? He is so annoying uh.
Crazy annoying.
Cut the cake.
aliah and i were obviously gossiping about Kak Fizah and the guy she likes.
We're like, makcik2 Kpo lah.
But still.
Went macs to help Akmal get ice and Shafiq, Aliah and I got icecreams for ourselves and bumped into this hot guy. I was like begging akmal to put his the stud on his lips lah. Haha.
Planned to ton till 3. But did not, in the end. (:
December 27, 2008
On my own, I'm screaming, "I love you so."
My thoughts you can't decode.
I used to know you so well.
Do you see what we've done?
We've gone and made such fools of ourselves.
Only Amalia understands how I really feel. Only she knows why I feel this way. Only she knows why am I trying my hardest to be happy when I'm actually not.
It's nobody's fault.
It's mine.
It's my feelings.
I don't feel right.
I sometimes get tired. Tired of not telling anyone how I really really feel.
I told her. She understood it all. I know Amalia, I always tell you that it is not worth crying over someone who doesn't love you for who you are and everything but i think, i think ... never mind.
The feeling is indescribable, seriously.
I. Should. Stop. This. Anyone. Reading. This. Should. Be. Really. Annoyed. By. This. Particular. Post.

UPGRADE! Kay, that is so Lauren Conrad maaan.
"UPGRADEEEEE." (thumbs up).
payback can be a bitch. - sweet sixteen exiled.
December 26, 2008

I'm listening to the whole of Demi Lovato's Don't Forget CD that Rasyad kind of surprised me with.
Thanks, Rasyad!Yeah, another outing with him today. I met him right after his friday prayers, under my block. (obviously)
We took
bus 3o to Vivo.
The bus, not the train okay! :D
He was counting how many bus stops there were till we get to Vivo lah, annoying ohkay, Rasyad.
Cos i insisted on taking the bus instead of the train and everything and he's that Train type of person, so URGH.
We talked non-stop in the bus and we thought we missed the stop because we were so busy chatting and wasn't paying attention to were the bus was stopping. I was praying hard that we didn't miss any of the stops ... if we do, we'll have to walk to vivo and i'm too lazy to walk lah.
And, he knows that.
But good to know, we didn't miss any of the stops and we reached Vivo then.
The first thing we did was to check the cinema out because we wanted to watch Twilight again but the queue was freakishly long ... it was like a zig-zag queue-up line and i didn't want to wait. So, cancelled on twilight.
Walked around and around.
Got ben and jerry's. I obviously had New York Chocolate Fudge Chunk and he had his Chocolate Theraphy-what-ever-you-call-it-thang.
Thank you for the treat.
We were there and talking. There were a lot of children playing in the water and splashing water all over and i was annoyed by that so we decided to move further from them and by that point of time, it was raining heavily. WTH?
He so badly wanted to get me something and i kept insisting and saying NO, to it.
Sorry, but i don't want you to be spending all your money on me. It's ... not right. AT ALL.
Bought a few tops for himself and i chosed the colour for him.
I'm nice, Rasyad. I think, i chosed him that Red and Grey top or something.
We went all around the place and i was so tired that i wanted to stop and slack. So we did, at Macs.
We went all around the place and got a surprise for a friend .. So, I find the day a little short though. But, i had real fun. Like, this outing was longer than the previous one.

i won't rest until, you're mine.
i got Demi Lovato's Don't Forget CD, get jealous, people. :P
And, Thanks so much for today, yeah Rasyad. :D
Oh, oh.
Atiqah has her hair like Demi and that so rocks lah. Hidayah likes Demi too.
People like Demetria Devonne Lovato.
i can survive with you by my side.
and you said we couldn't make it.
December 25, 2008
"And when I feel unnoticed
Just two steps back from hopeless
You turn my world around with a single smile
That's who you are."
aly & aj, shine.
December 24, 2008
THREE NAMES YOU GO BY:Qazimah, Nur, Qaz.
THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU'VE HAD:gIRL and that's about it. (:
THREE THINGS YOU'VE DONE IN THE LAST 33 MINUTES:Watched Jon & Kate Plus 8, Texted darling Amalia and helped her out with her boyfriend :D
THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF:i don't know. I suck at everything.
Okay, maybe just one.
I like the fact that I'm always helping people ... helping my friend(s) patch things up with their boyfriend(s)/girlfriend(s).
THREE THINGS YOU DISLIKE ABOUT YOURSELF:My voice and that i am always making people feel bad, not being able to cheer anyone up.
THREE PARTS OF YOUR ORIGINS:Malay, Chinese and Javanese.
THREE THINGS YOU'RE AFRAID OF:Losing the people/ that someone i really love, roller costers, heights.
THREE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING RIGHT NOW:my shorts, my baggy tee, my specs.
THREE OF YOUR EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS:Phones. Handphone. House Phone. Haha ...
THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS:Aly & Aj, The Jonas Brothers ... i used to be a fan of Good Charlotte. But, The Pussycat Dolls, i guess? LOL.
THREE WAYS TO BE HAPPY:To be with the one i love, my bestfriends, whoever that make me smile.
Gotta Find You - Joe Jonas.
Fashion - Heidi Montag.
THREE THINGS YOU REGRET:Not loving that someone deeply, lying, hurting that someone badly.
TWO TRUTHS AND A LIE (in order):1) My feelings.
and that is all.
THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU LIKE IN THE OPPOSITE SEX:Everything. The type of person he is.
i'm tempremental, sorry. it all depends on my mood.
THREE THINGS YOU JUST CAN'T DO:to swear that much.
THREE THINGS YOU MISS FROM YOUR PAST:Old memories. Primary School Friends.
THREE GIFTS YOU WOULD LIKE TO RECEIVE:if you know me well, you should know who or what.
THREE OF YOUR FAVOURITE HOBBIES:shop, writing on my diary. talking on the phone.
THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO REALLY BADLY RIGHT NOW:i want tons and tons of outings, please & text. somebody.
THREE CAREERS YOU'RE CONSIDERING:modelling? stylist, saloonist. Can try what.
THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO FOR HOLIDAY:Los Angeles. Tokyo and and and, hmmm .... just LA's beach! :D
THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE:tell you how much you mean to me and that i love you.
woke up at 8.
accompanied my mum to somewhere. OMG. i was freaking sleepy lah in the taxi. URGH.
I feel sad.
Thank you very much.
No mood, sorry.
i'm such a biatch.
December 23, 2008
"When You Get Sick Of Her, Remember Who has always been there for you." 
Superstar, Where ya from, how's it going?

i have a really retarded smile, i know.

the amazing three. wait, i guess.
The three of us, Zahrah, Atiqah and I went to watch Twilight at Tamp, Century yesterday.
I told Zahrah to wait for me under my block (Obviously) she then texted me saying, "I'm under your block already." , i rushed down.
I looked around for her and she wasn't anywhere in sight.
Then, i saw her, running, running, running. Sweating like crazy ... drenched in her own sweat.
Me: eh, what is wrong with you? you're late. You texted me saying you were already here but you weren't.
Zahrah: huh, oh. i thought you'd take your own sweet time to come down. & blablabla.
"i thought you'd take your own sweet time to come down."
Kay, not her fault, fully. It was mine too. i really take my own sweet time - all the time.
So, took the bus and zahrah, i think was eyeing on a guy in the bus. Weird.
the three of us, we wanted to catch the 1.45 show at Tamp actually. But because of me, we were all late.
watched at Century instead, the 2.15 show. Okay, sorry. It was all my fault that we missed the first timeslot at Tamp.
Anyways, while we were on our way, Atiqah called saying that she saw Khairul and his girlfriend.
Twilight then.
We were seated and i saw this guy, he looks familiar and i'm like, "Zahrah, OMG. That's the guy in the bus!"
And she, obviously freaked.
Khairul was in the same cinema as us. Zahrah was so KPO lah ...
She wanted to say Hi to him and everything .. Atiqah and I were covering our faces and begging her to not do it.
What the hell, Zahrah? It was embarassing uh!
and the movie, it ended at around 4, almost 5.
I swear, there were a lot of "Looking Into Each Other's Eyes'." Scene.
i like.
Slacked at Coffee Bean. Atiqah and I had Iced Mocha Blended and Zahrah only had muffin for herself, she got dizzy after drinking that Iced Mocha Blended. What a pity. Oh, i bought a bagel too.
It was a big one.
I thought it was a tiny sized bagel but it wasn't. So, i had both Atiqah and Zahrah to finish it for me.
Went home and had to go to the airport after that to fetch Shafiq's family. They're back from Thailand. OMG. I like what they bought me. Super nice.
Thanks Kak Fizah :D
And thanks for the lovely outing, sweeties. (:
I'm so jealous. (x
i'm not giving up and i won't break down.

December 21, 2008
you know what, you can do whatever you want.
hurt me ... whatever ... do whatever that pleases you.
i don't
want to care anymore.
i, am really hurt already. i thought you guys were my friends.
i thought you guys were the one i could trust, the one i gossip to about guys and everything.
but i guess, i was wrong, i was very wrong. you just dont know how i feel.
i don't know how hurt i am now.
and what, you called me a biatch.
what did i do to deserve that name calling?
immature - maybe.
who cares anymore.
i don't.
why do i have to cry?
i don't know. i don't care. i don't want to bother any longer.
YOU, you were there.
The both of you were there for me when i needed you guys.
thanks for everything,
ily you two.
i don't care. i really don't care.
maybe this is life.
maybe, this is MY hollywood life.
bitchiness, A REAL life gossip girl episode.
and it happened last night.
December 19, 2008

i don't see you any different, the truth is shining in your eyes.

Made a Hilary Duff's Blogskin for Razeef just now. This Sec 1 friend of mine, he wanted a blog and of course, a blog needs a nice layout ... so, i kinda helped him. Heh!
Like, i made the whole thing for him lah. See how nice i can get. (x
I didn't know he liked/adored Hilary Duff very much. Grrr.
was supposed to be out with Zul today to watch twilight or something and actually too, surprise Rasyad at his workplace. But it all got cancelled. Because Zul said he might be late and everything. So, cancelled.
A few hours later, i recieved a text from him. He asked if i wanted to follow him to vivo.
Of course i said No.
Lazy lah. Vivo some more, it's like, pretty far. And i'm tooooo lazy to go THAT far.
I might even cancel Monday's outing with Rasyad and Zul himself.
Don't be shocked if i cancel on you guys uh! :D
Eh, wait. I just remembered, I'm watching Twilight on Monday with Atiqah, Zahrah & Nadirah.
So i might cancel on Zul & Rasyad.
But Rasyad, i'll try to not cancel on you on our outing kay.
HAHA. No lah, i'm not sure yet. And i'm sorry about,
Anyways, i managed to wish Daniel Happy Birthday at exactly 12. Oh wait. Was it, 12+?
Nevermind. But still ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL. :D
I cannot wait for schooooool.
Sorry, sorry.
I just can't wait for it and i don't know why. It's like, you know. It is gonna be exciting. Very exciting.
i'm happy.
i'm sad.
i'm ...
i don't know.
so you can fill up a broken heart.

December 18, 2008
"I've had a little bit too much."

Know what, i'm like, making a Pussycat Dolls Blogskin right now. WTF?
I'm so not a fan of this group. I like Ashley though and Melody and Nicole BUT Jessica. (:
Omg, Jessica is so not hot lah, really. And and, Ashley looks so much better with bangs.
My brother mistook her for the oldie, Carmit. LOL.
I'm such a random person, i know.
But ....
I don't like my teeth, i really really don't and i want braces for it.
I want my hair trimmed a little bit before school starts. I don't like my fringe. It's like, uneven and i have to wait for it to grow so it'll look okay and not weird.
I'm using Mozilla Firefox and i find it weird. I So am not used to it.
Forget it about getting coloured extentions for my hair.
I know I'm such a boring person too. I am always updating my blog and that's because i have nothing to do. Yes, my mum asked me to do chores and stuff and that is also something, but as if i want to do it kan.
and Rasyad, Third Day can? I'm not sure yet. Will make sure with you soon. Or if you can't or i can't, we can like meet a Mac's or something, right?
Ah! Thanks, you made me jump out of my seat lah (Sure, it's a bit exaggerating, but still ...) haha.
Those picturessssss! :DDDD
Zac & Emma.
Joe & Demi.
Kamal is leaving for Tokyo.
Shae is leaving for Thailand.
WTH? Two of my cousins are leaving for holidays. Good thing they're like already sec 4's.
No school.
That is not fair! ):
Well, it actually kinda is? Cos, i am bored bored bored at home.
Like, really.
The whole holiday, i spent most of my time at home or hanging with friend. Urgh. Wait. Not friends. Cousins, i mean.
I rejected all the outings with my friends. I still have 5 outings to cover, hmm. Maybe more than that.
I like, rejected all the outings with Zahrah.
She asked me out a lot a lot of times.
10. I think?
But so far, i went out with her twice. No, ONCE this holiday.
Lemme list the outings with my friends these hols.
- Outing with Zahrah & Mum.
- Outing with Rasyad.
That's all!
i am a
LOSER with the huge L. I mean, who doesn't go out of the house these hols? .... MEEE.
I wanna spend my whole next week going out with my friends luh.
Tired of staying home already.
Outings i have to cover (bold)/ Cancelled (italics) ?
- Outing with Nurin.- Outing with Atiqah. - Outing with Zahrahzahrahzahrah.- Outing with Zulhilmi, maybe.- Outing with Razeef. - Outing with Daniel. (Not exactly an outing but lepak) - Outing with my bestfriends. (Rasyiqah, Amalia, Rusydi, Rahman, Afiq)- Outing with Suhail. - Outing with Khairuddin. - Outing with Wan Amirah. - Outing with Selynna/Faliq. OHMYGAWD.
So many outings?!
I'm lazy to cover these outings up.
But, i kind of feel bad for always rejecting the outings.
I'm addicted to Circus by Britney Spears.
I'm addicted to Lady GaGa's Just Dance, too.
Circus, Uh-huh. (x
i just want you next to me, uh-huh.
HAHAHAHA.but, seriously. :D
AHHHHHHH, phyras is posted in my school.
December 17, 2008
Shadow is burnt, yellow dance and returnMy lashes are dry,
But the teardrops I cry
It don't have a price.
went Tamp and got my school bag and shoes for next year. Like, finally. After hours of searching for MY new school bag (not shoes) :D
it's a brown coloured bag, looks pretty minah-ish ... hmmm, i like it though.
it's like, $45 lah. Super expensive, really.
but my mum allowed me to get it. ily mother! (:
and met my aunt there too. Bought badges to kinda put it at my bag. The badges are for slippers actually. But with my creative mind, i'm gonna put it on my bag.
my mum and aunt bought blushers and make up stuffs for themselves.
well well, i still need -:
- a pencilcase.
- pens, pencils blablabla.
bought school shoes and i obviously am a size two.
there was this chinese lady trying on school shoes for her, i think, ten year old daughter and she tried on size two.
after that, i asked the saleslady for another size two for myself and that chinese lady said,
"Wow, you are a size two? Your leg so small ah?"
and i'm like, "err, ya."
so then my mum said, "a'ah, kecik nah kaki kau."
my reply to my mum was, "ya, omg. tengok ah. budak tu is like, ten years old and she fits size two perfectly."
my leg is super small ah.
i think i need custom made shoes, man, seriously. it's very hard to get shoes for me. no one ever got shoes for me on my birthday. i mean, once lah. but i couldn't fit it at all. it was, too big.
DUH. i have tiny tiny legs. -.-
i'm pissed.
my leg is super small.
saw siti. Siti Zubaidah.
"Qazimahhhhhhhhh!" she screamed. She was on the escalator coming down and i was looking around finding the person who called my name.
and she's like, "sini laaaah."
i was shocked. and i'm like, "Oh, zubaidah."
she replied, "No, siti lah."
whaaaat. That's still her name what. Siti Zubaidah.
selynna asked me the weirdest question evaaaaaa.
well, faliq, amalia, rasyiqah, dayanah, akmal too.
they all asked the same question. erm, it is not weird, really. Just ... nevermind.
people are all so confused, i can understand that.
i'm confused myself too, actually.
can't wait for schoooooooooooool, wait. i guess.
December 16, 2008

Did you forget,
What we were feeling inside,
Now I'm left,
To forget about us,
But somewhere we went wrong,
We were once so strong,
Our love is like a song,
You can't forget it.
ahhhh, guess what. what. what?
was checking my books for next year just now andddddddd,
i've only three subjects to study for next year! and its like only, maths, science, malay.
well, there's still D&T and Music because Music was my pick and this ... Buiness Skills thingy and they're not exactly counted as subjects.
So i have only three subjects. No stress, i hope.
the bad thing is that, there's no english for subjects and i hate the fact that there is no english because i love english and the lessons! ):
i don't pay much attention during english whenever it's english lesson in school. i gossip and talk a lot, though. about, a lot of stuff lah. from guys, to celebs, paparazzi's, clothes, shopping, food and everything.
i'll be like, "Do you know Aly & Aj blablabla." and, "OMG, you know THAT girl is dating THAT guy?"
amalia - THE 'model' because she walks like a model.
rasyiqah - my crazy yet friendly friend.
rusydi - my mat friend.
rahman - my 'information' friend.
afiq - my *err, idk.* friend, "i wanna pinch his cheeks!"
hadi - used to be always there for me and my bestfriend but i dont know what happened to him now. he doesn't call me anymore.
amalia, rasyiqah, rusydi, rahman, afiq and i would hang together sometimes and i loved it most when we all celebrated amalia's fourteenth birthday (:
we teamed up and thats the best. i like it when friends get together and plan something awesome for another friend.
THOSE are friends.
and i miss them already.
for all you know, they'll be back in school next year with new girlfriends, boyfriends and everything.
and will share their stories with us.
i'm pretty nosey so i tend to want to know whats happening in their lives. :P
and which guy or girl they are with. :D
i would like to thank rasyiqah though. for tolerating amalia and i whenever we talk about guys.
i miss themm.
and and i still haven't got my bagpack for school. seeesh.
i want a dickies bagpack. a pink & black one. (:
that someone's gonna be a model.
goodluck! :D
and i still have not achieve my dreams.
nextweek. i'm gonna make myself freeeeee.
anyone on for twilight? wait, no. I'm booked! HAHAHAHA :P
but i dont mind watching again.
i think im gonna love twilight, somehow.
December 15, 2008

Yes i'm wondering,if we were meant to be,forget about wanting to soar,I'm ready to begin ... our waiting has to endright now.
i'm supposed to be out with nurin today but my mum didn't let me out of the house.
nevermind, i figured i'd be too lazy to go out too.
so it's okay. (:
random but ...
- i don't wanna wear short shorts anymore. it sucks.
- i didn't know my brother knew how to make straw hearts.
- i think my brother is in love, for some reason.
- i find my name, Qazimah, super cool.
- i'm making myself free next week. the next WHOLE week. (that's if i'm not lazy lah)
so anyone on?
gosh, i'm missing amalia already.
eh, come home laaaah! i don't want all our gossip sessions to stop. :P
few more weeks to school already you know. and im sort am, sorta not looking forward to it much.
oh, i realised that ive changed. in sense of music, that is. (or maybe my attitude too, eh?)
i used to listen to heavy, rock, metal-ish music but now, im into Lady Gaga and everything. like those, dancy kinda music.
and i like me right now. i like ME better now.
cos rock, metal-ish music used to give me very bad nightmares and now, no more nightmares! :D
i don't really know what to blog about.
but, i am blogging cos im too bored and like, random stuff is best to blog about.
someone got mad when i said this. :P
ahhh, im hungry.
and this is cute (x

i want you to know, if you loose your way, i wont let you go.
December 14, 2008


Pregnant Demi.


You're so sweet Aliah (:

There she goes, hugging me again.
so am huggable! :D

And Shafiq's pulling my hairrrr! (x

I realised i can't smile.

shae squashed cake on my arm and fingers!
had to lick it off.

still licking it off. -.-
Kak Fizah smiles big. Like Demi Lovato. (wait, is that an insult?)
heh. whooo carrresss.
aliah, shae, kak fizah, shafiq my brother and i played this 'celebrity look-a-like game' thingy and of course, i rock at it.
Kak Fizah really looks like demi. She smiles like her and everything.
My brother can't be Joe Jonas cos he isn't at all hot.
While thinking about who my brother could be, Aliah went singing This Is Me. And the rest of us continued the rest of the line. Wanted my brother and Kak Fizah to duet but she doesn't know the lyrics to the song. -.-
Shae said, "Let Qazimah think who Qazim should be. She's the expert."
and i'm like, WOW. :DD
i decided my brother would be K-Fed. My brother is also always singing Circus what. So, why not.
after deciding who he was, he sang CIRCUS! -.-
the line went,
There's only two types of people in the world, The ones that entertain, the one that observe,
and all of us were thinking, why is it two. why not four and stuff.
aliah likes hugging meeeeeee. (:
and and, i cannot smile. i know i cant.
i suck at smiling. i just cannot smileeee.
and, i cannot wait for twilight. not that im INTO the show. But, you know ... i find the show kinda sweet.
shit. i can't come to your party, sorry!
yeah. i wished him at 12.06am yesterday. and he didn't reply.
well, at least i wished him, right.
eh alamak.
i have like, 4 outings to cover.
but i still am not going. i guess im gonna be lazy luh.
zahrah! i have a surprise for you. i really hope you'll love it. it's a present for you ... for being the best friend evaaaa and that you're leaving madrasah.
ive got my old primary school friends asking me out during chirstmas.
GOSH. Clashclashclashhhhhh.
forget it, dont think ill be going anyways.
idk why but i feel like cryingggg.