October 31, 2008
its october the 31st already.
time flies ~
fast.holidays are already here and around the corner for some. (:
so, really awesome outings would kill boredom, right?
well, not really.
right now, i'd rather say home and bury myself with books or watch the telly. when i said books, i meant story books, not school textbooks okay.
never will i read school textbooks.
to keep myself entertained and occupied, ill tune in to jon & kate plus 8 and play it back-to-back.
i tape recorded it all. every single episode. (:
oh, since people are talking about high school musical 3 the senior year, i have something to show ...
hot rightrightrightttt?
i know.
half the class went to the discovery centre yesterday. HALFFFF-THEEE-CLASSSS
you see how bad this is? the other half just couldnt be bothered and that includes you, hadi.
why cant they be bothered? no class spirit at all lah. i hate it. i hate the fact that half of them did not attend. how sad. i hate you all for not attending, can. (except for those with reasons).
what the heck. it was really really fun down there.
we watched monster truck and the screen was big. (just read selynna's post - hahaha)
i wore the 3D glasses terbalik ah! LOL.
and a 4D movie about the army. it was scary! it was so real. i sat beside zach. you know, i was too scared that i accidentally almost held his arm. X=
sorry, sorry zach.
it was lunch then.
mr jit, mdm yani, mrs chong and the other teachers sat infront of us.
infront of where the table we sat at.
my friends and i were talking about triple dating and stuff.
mr jit (as usual) heard our convos and ....
"you all ah. non stop you know, talking about guys."
nevermind lah, we like talking about it whatttt.
ive alot more to tell actually.
but well, another time.
tomorrow perhaps?
im still in love with you - NOT!
October 27, 2008

- "totally (; "

- "gosh, i seriously look bad!"
went johor yesterday afternoon with zahidah and her family.
it was a really really long ride to Juzco.
and i was thinking of you the whole time.
i kept listening to monster by meg and dia and its not over by secondhand serenade and i'd hate to be you by mayday parade. (: - over and over again while in zahidah's mum's car.
bought a freakin' nice dress. my brother chose it for me, you know! :D
had starbucks after that.
didnt really spend much as we spent long hours on the road.
like they say, love IS blind.
October 24, 2008
the class bbq we had just now was totally
awh-esome.i had a whole lot of fun, really.
so, typical me. was lazy so i thought, taking a cab would be much easier as it was kind of, raining too. yeah. rasyiqah and amalia, were under my block already. so, went to the bustop for a taxi to east coast.
the ride costed us at around, $8+.
shimin, shy ying, gavin, zul, tony and khair were already there. relaxing themselves. shimin, shy ying and gavin were playing cards. then, they went to help the guys get food from ms irda's car or something when the police van came to our place and asked for our particulars. 'our' as in, rasyiqah, amalia and i.
i was a bit shocked. i thought we commited an offence or something. for turning on loud music? but, we didnt. so, i didnt exactly know what we did wrong. the two young-looking police officers asked for our ez-link cards and wrote our particulars down.
i said,
"What did we do wrong?"
policeman: nothing? this is just for reference.
me: oh. what for?
the policeman kept his mouth shut.
yes, i talk alot. (:
so a while later, the rest came. along with ms irda with bags full of food and drinks.
we all settled down and we told ms irda about the two police officers.
she then said,
"are they young or old?"
me: okay lah. like, young.
ms irda: ala, like that they all want to
mengatal with you all only.
me: ew!
rasyiqah laughed. i mean, what the heck?
mengatal? =X
mr jit came.
he talked to ain and ... he looked at me. he said,
"So, which guy are you seeing now?"
me: "What guy? ala, i dont have any boyfriends."
mr jit: you sure or not?
me: oh, yes.
ms irda, ain, mr jit, rasyiqah, amalia, i were sitting on one table. we were all talking about guys and girls. ain kept babbling about martin ros and all.
ms irda said,
"Why do you all want players? there are nice guys, you know."
rasyiqah interrupted and pointed at me saying, "She likes emo guys."
mr jit also said, "Ya lah. She's also emo what."
"What, no i am not." - i replied.
the two teachers kept talking about Mr Osman's son. Mr Osman's son who is in bedok green. and how cute his is. he's in sec 3. oh blablabla.
and mr jit suddenly said, "What about your bedok green guy?" to me.
i looked at ain and ain looked at me, "Uh, oh." she said.
Me: "Bedok Green? How do you know?"
ms irda: facebook and friendsters are easy to track. we'll just see who youre with and all.
she said something like that.
i got scared, frightened.
and then mr jit asked tony who asked for a break up. was it me or him. i said, me. and ms irda was babbling again, saying how nice he is. how sweet and cute he is. how smart he is.
and i rolled my eyes.
see, im mean - NOT.
moving on.
ms irda wanted to throw ain in the sea when today's karisma's birthday. we all planned on how we're throwing ain. "we plan to throw karisma but we throw ain okay guys?"
ms irda gerek luh.
we threw ain and karisma in, in the end.
Wheee ~
oh, if ms irda's reading my blog or, whichever teacher is reading my blog, please tag and, thanks again, ms irda for the lovely ride home :D
i had a really enjoyable time okay.
October 23, 2008
my EOY results SUCKED!
#^$&. im utterly dissapointed with MY own results. seriously.
English Language : B
Basic Malay : B
Mathematics : U
Science : D
D&T : C
Home Econs : C
Social Studies : B
Music : A
Project Work : C
Visual Arts : A
Class Position : 26/40.
Qazimah is a very pleasant student who models good behaviour. She shows respect towards teachers and peers. Her friends look upon her as an amiable person. When given a task, she always tries her best to complete it on time and seeks help from teachers in the areas that she has doubts. She is very talented in the Arts and shows passion for music.
i got an effin 26?! URGH.
i did really badly. im dissapointed with my results. ive got tons of C's!
AAAAAAAAAAAAH. im in no mood.
i hate it.
i know i can do it.
my parents said i did okay but, i wanna do better.
saw u in the bus and i thought you looked really hot.you have this sweet, babyface which i really liked and i wish i could see u again when school re opens. altho today was the first time ive ever seen you at the busstop.i stood beside you just now and i stepped on your shoe by accident when i was trying to move in the corner of the bus. i didnt have the chance to say sorry to u because the next stop was mine. i am really sorry for stepping on ur shoe.i really wish i could see you again when school reopens.you hot chinese guy.
October 22, 2008
i gave her a bracelette and an earing. Diva style. lawaaaa. im just hoping she'll love it or something. after recess, we had this course in the classroom.
celebrated amalia's birthday with a birthday bash. rusydi, rasyiqah, shela, farah and i are involved, in the birthday bashing. but, i dont do anything at all. sweet!
we all had real fun. right after that, we all slacked at bedok stadium. the guys played some stupid games while i was trying my hardest to get hadi on the line. i kept calling and calling but no one picked up. so i gave up.
went home.
such a short post for such a fun day! (:
October 21, 2008
greaaaat.hadi and amalia both came to school.
so the usual rasyiqah, amalia, khair, kevin, farhan, zachary and myself played the game
hangman. i dont know. i kept playing hangman over and over again. its fun! :D
then, it was maths. mr. jit was in and he talked to ain about some guy i do not know about and he suddenly asked me,
mrjit: so, hows you and your boyfriend?
me: ah, what boyfriend? i dont have boyfriend.
mrjit: then tony?
me: oh, that was last time. wait, how'd you know about me and tony?
mrjit: ms irda told me. she told me everytime tony look at you and you look at tony then your eyes will meet... blablablablas.
rasyiqah: *laughs like crazy*
me: then you know about amalia and khair?
mrjit: yep. eh, i know everyone's love story lah.
me to rasyiqah: eh, the teacher all very kpo eh.
mrjit: what, what kpo?
me: haha, no lah. kpo as in, blablablablablas.
October 20, 2008
today.- amalia wasnt in school.
- walked home with khai.
- went to the dentist.
oh hello.
sorry i havent been blogging.
school was really fine. exept that, i couldnt get to see
... nevermind. amalia wasnt in school cos she's too lazy to attend school. X=
miss irda either.
bought my seventeen and teen (australian) mags to school and showed rasyiqah a section of
how to turn your crush into your boyfriend. page. it was cool.
so zach, kevin, farhan, khair, rasyiqah and myself were gathered on my table to discuss about the mags.
farhan likes alyson stoner.
whereas i, like demi lovato.
the teacher for english lesson rocks lah.
so, walked home with khai and rasyiqah after that.
heeeeeeh, tired.
blog another time?
and, heres for hafiz.
he left s'pore for canda? yeah.
youve been a really great friend. i dont really know you well. but, youre a really fun and great person to hang around with. thanks for being there for me and texting me late night to keep me company. i really missed the old times where we hung out. and you wanting me to tag along to jam with your band.so, thank you. i hope youve have had a safe trip.we'll miss you (:hahahahlolols. (totally your word!) hehe.misses!
October 15, 2008
addicted to PCD's I hate this part lah! :D
and oh, i havent been blogging cos, ive been reading.
have been complaining to my mum on how much my ear hurts. so, we went to the clinic today and there was nothing wrong with me. just probably, radiation. wtf - $30 wasted. -.-
i'm tired.
you know what these are my eoy marks.
73/100 - english.
21/100 - maths.50/100 - science.64/100 - mother tongue.
31/100 - cpa.well, i guess. but it isnt fully counted yet.
wtffff, i hate my results! ):
borderline. fail.
wth can.
dental appointment on monday.
October 10, 2008


akmal's & kak ita's family. PINKKKIES!

the BIG family.

kamal's family.

my favourite-est of them all.
rayarayaraya. (:
im having a headache. ive been sneezing like, non stop since i woke up this morning.
like this blogskin? ive been working on it for 2 whole hours! really.
gosh, i suddenly feel like having starbucks and BK's hershey cake.
im craving for it.
i feel sick.
thank god there is no school. well, not till wednesday!
seesh, im done.
October 08, 2008

October 07, 2008
heh. selynna, you can now see the blogskin :D
i credited you okay! hehe.
eh, i keep getting hungry and i dont know why seh! i want fooooooood.
aaaah! amalia and i find this guy from bedok south sec super hot! wait, really ... HOTHOTHAWWWT,
he will be walking down the stairs at around 7am? yeah. we'll be walking up the stairs to school and he'll be walking down.
it is always like that. we'll see him the whole time. (:
weird how that happens. ALL THE TIME.
amalia wanted to smile at him today. but he was busy reading his notes. =X awww amalia.
like seriously lah and the both of us have a feeling that his name's khairul.(?)
i dont know.
nevermind. will see him tomorrow.
flirtatious? nah. ewwwww.bgbs.
October 06, 2008
science was hard!
eh wait. i'm hungry. lemme find food first. kay, im heating otah rolls in the mircowave! :D
eating now ....
well, talking to my uncle now on the net. his friend is like telling me how to make a blogskin of my own? ya.
so hard!
im done eating. im still hungry. I WANT FOOD!
October 05, 2008

i love this picture.
well, probably because most of us are in it. honestly, i feel that this year's raya is not the same. it seemed different.
when usually, nabil's and hazmi's family are being fetched first by the bus, theyre fetched late. nabil and his family wasnt even with us that we had to go to their house last.
but, i enjoyed it.
my aunt said that nabil's embarassed to talk to me. i dont know why. his parents kept asking me to take pictures with him but i didnt want too cos i myself was embarassed! $%^& LOL.
he waved goodbye at me, i guess?
well, my aunt said so.
aunt: you know tadi nabil waved at you?
me: huh, really? maner ader seh?
aunt: have lah. i asked him to say bye to you then he tak nak. he said, tak per. say bye to her dari atas jer."
me: serious?
aunt: yah.
me: whaaaat? betul ker? jgn nak bedek ah.
aunt: betul lah.
i kept myself quite for a minute and ....
me: eh, betul eh, eh?
my mum, aunt and other aunt went, "DIER BUNYI LAGIIIIIIII!"
October 04, 2008

pictures for 1st october, first day of raya (:
there are so many more pictures to upload to blogger and friendster. but well, all you can do is to just wait because i have been a little too busy and lazy to blog nowadays. gwh.
really, i am lazy. tired. sleepy. to blog.
ooh i slept at like, what. 845pm yesterday.
i was actually reading when i fell asleep with the book on me.

today, today.
took a private bus to go all over the place for raya. and i just kind of reached home uh.
iqa and i went to both nabil's and hazmi's house and the both of us started to gossip about our cousins. guy cousins which/who is hotter. -.-
i know, lame, stupid and childish AND weird. but still ... ya.
so anyways, we started rating.
1) hazmi (cos he has this korean/chinese looking face :D)
2) nabil (has this very fair complexion and a little bit chinese looking too :D)
3) khairul syazwan (emo looking, malay looking, great guitarist :D)
yeahyeah. i guess all my cousins are a little chinese looking. boyanise too.
okay, weird us.
i so know what you are thinking.
k, im tired.
gdnight (: