August 28, 2008
copying seriously. copying is just so fake. yes, i know i may have copied some other people too and im sorry about that. but like, dont copy other people's posts. and make it as if its your post.
its just yucky. im not trying to imply this to anyone but ya, i am just saying.
forget about that.
so ....
omg, secondhand serenade's stranger is nice. :D i feel like buying the band's CD.
ifah and i are fighting over pussycat dolls' when i grow up lyrics. she said that it was "Boobies." and i said it was "Groupies." what the heck.
AND .... IM RIGHT xD it IS "Groupies" !
so happy.
my mum's addicted to reflexology.
the whole family is, except for me. whoaaaa. i should try, i guess.
ohoh, common test.
malay - 36/50
maths - 11/50
english - 48(and a half)/50
i did real badly for maths.
i know. i am so gonna prove people wrong. seriously.
August 27, 2008
right. i just put up the tagboard today. so, do tagggg!
and if you do tag, do
not tag shit. really, DONT.heee. my blog is very eye-catching, right? i know. i edited most of the stuff here to make it all bright, colourful and very 'super-model'-like.
i like the way my blog is. (:
i'm kind of lazy to update my private blog nowadays. i am sorry.
my old primary school friend, texted me just now.
it went something like this,
amshar: hello.
me: hey.
amshar: do you know alot about clothings?
me: erm, i guess? just ask and ill see if i can answer.
amshar: i got alot of questions.
me: oh, sure.
amshar: ok. whats tank top?
me: lol, a shirt. normal teeshirt. like, seleeve-less kind ah. k, anything else?
amshar: what are the kind of bras?
me: erm? i dont feel comfortable answering that question.
few minutes later oi, are you there? any other questions?
and he didnt reply. -.-
and people, whos going back to opera on friday? anyone?
August 26, 2008
sorry, sorry.
i know! PCD. but still ... i am
ADDICTED to this freaking song! (When I Grow Up)
"Now ive got a confession, HA HA HA HA."my friends are just totally into ashley roberts *hints* saying shes hot and all. and im like, whatever. i so cannot believe that i am in love with this dancy song. not very qazimah - like, right? i know, i know.
pussycat dolls? sorry, i dont really listen to them.but, WHAT?!
i am listening to them NOW. [underline, underline, underline]
omg. both their old and new songs.
What! Got to admit, pcd songs are not
that bad.
pcd ... hmm? very zul.
very rasyad.
August 25, 2008
i'm sooo in
love with
meg and dia's just one of those things and
mayday parade's when i get home you're so dead. these two songs really rock my socks.
although mayday's when i get home is kinda old, it is a very nice song to listen to.
honestly, it just SO rocks.
whoo, i totally love the weather. okay, random. but, yes, cold weather is always the best.
(: i only hate it when i have to wake up early in the morning to go to school and the stupid thing is that, the water heater is freaking not working! and ill shiver after that. -.-
freak it.
oh, dance was pretty bad. we had dance competition today and it went very bad. too many absentees in the class and there wasnt any class spirit at all lah. not fair. like, my friends and i are standing right on stage, nervous, trying to think back of the steps the instructor taught us and the guys were just making a fool of themselves on stage. i felt embarassed. really.
i know i look like some stupid shit up there but, i was panicking the heck out of me.
i got up on stage and all the steps that ive memorised were just washed away just like that.
I AM SO DISSAPOINTED. I AM SO MAD (at myself) urgh.
they are at it, again.
August 20, 2008
i know, i know. my URL is sooo Aly & AJ. But, anyways.
i am addicted to
untouched by the veronicas ... yeah, the song is supeerrrr nice. well, its pretty dancy but i like it. you
have to like it too.
as you can see, i have very few links on my 'Links' section because, i have decided to link only the blogs which i read most of the time on my private blog, so ya.
i feel the need to private this particular blog too. yeah, i think i should. not today, but soon. really. i cannot stand people reading my blog and spamming them. well, i have removed the 'tagboard' part so, you spammers cannot spam.
OMG. the veronicas are playing on mtv.
when it all falls apart is up. that really reminds me how crazy i was for the sisters when i was their fan
then. but you know, i seem to like them back now. have been listening to their
'Hook Me Up' CD nowadays. this is the CD where Jess coloured her hair brunette-ish brown (?). i seriously think that hair colour do not suit her. Lisa's not bad.

done and over it!